Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tursday Technology WPM

          SPEED          MPH
Average line speed :17
Best line speed :21
Best paragraph speed:13

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do now 1-28-09

How can reviewing in rag's to riches /QUIA help you?According to my personal opionion on how reviewing rag's to riches can help me is that it helps improve.How you should be expected to behave according  to the  computer rules. Some what it makes you study and maybe memorize some of the rules .If not it takes you back to the beginning to get the right answers.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday Techconnect Wpm

  Lesson 1
Average line speed : 10
Best line speed :16

Do Now 1/27/09

Explain how learning how to type can help you in the future ?How can techconnect help you learn how to type ?I personaly think that teachconnect can help me and other kids by teaching how to type correctly. By the following ways quizing us and timing us on how accurate and fast can you type. Their our many possible ways that we can learn how to type but i belive that this way will completely help us.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Do now 1/26/09

Explain how learning how to type can help you in the future?
Learning how to type can help me in the future by being able to do my reports or assignments. That you will be assigned in college or even in middle school .For example you can work as a technology teacher or work with computers you will be told maybe by your boss to type something for her /him .You will be given a day or depending when he/she has to file it .